Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to remove a ring from your finger!

Amanda's finger swelled up with her pregnancy and she couldn't remove her ring.
We had many tips from creative listeners on how to get it off! These are what she tried:

Windex - does make it slippery and would probably work for a SLIGHTLY swollen finger.

Preparation H- Smelled BAD. Did not work. Very Messy.

WD 40- Smelled, did not work.

Floss - Did not work.

Soap - Did not work.

Butter - Did not work.

soaking in ice water - Did not work. In fact, some nurses called in and warned the ice water could actually tighten the metal of the ring on her finger!!

elevating above the heart - Did not work

Valuable lesson: Don't try all of these in one morning. By 9am that particular finger was actually twice as swollen as the others.

Final result: Listener Connie, who works for hand surgeon Dr Kahle in Mongtomery, recommended an office visit. The good doctor tightly wrapped twine around the entire finger and slowley moved the ring over the twine. Very painful, took awhile, Amanda needed a local to reduce the pain during the procedure. If you end up in the same predicament and it comes to this, go to a Doctor - Please Don't try at home!!!

1 comment:

towjames said...

I dont see where you used my comment on using hot water followed by cold. A few minutes of hot, then a few seconds of cold then quickly removing the ring from the finger.