Friday, December 7, 2007

Lisa Cornwell from WCPO's Breaking News room

This just in - Lisa Cornwell needs new shoes for Christmas! This pair of crocs comes under the headline of "environmental blight". Please grant our Xmas wish with a new pair of shoes for Lisa. If you dont want to do it for her, do it for fellow anchors Tanya O'Roarke or Kathrine Nero and the countless others who are forced to look at them each day. Thank you.

1 comment:

Kathrine Nero said...

Breaking News ...

I'd like to say that I have never been offended by Lisa'a crocs. And if I'm being honest, I must admit I have my own crocs hidden in my desk as well. You never now when you might need them. Besides, they allow her to move around the breaking news center much more quickly!